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What Is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional intelligence is knowing how to control yourself when provoked or when going through a stressful situation caused by a problem, knowing how to deal with your emotions. It is very important to have this. In life, we will often go through different types of complicated situations. This topic is currently discussed a lot by coaches, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, pastors and therapists. The Bible deals with this in some passages. See;
''A patient man is better than a warrior; it is better to control one's spirit than to conquer a city.'' Proverbs 16:32
''Avoid anger and reject wrath; do not be irritable, for it only leads to evil. For the wicked will be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord will inherit the earth.'' Psalm 37:8-9
''When you are angry, do not sin.'' Let the sun go down on your anger.'' Ephesians 4:26
Realize that getting angry sometimes is normal. Even Jesus got angry when he saw the money changers doing business in the temple and he would often get angry with his disciples, scolding them. The solution is to not let anger dominate you when you are angry.
Listening to sermons (watch the TikTok messages: @jovensbiblicos), praying, reading the Bible and taking sedatives prescribed by doctors can help you calm down. There are those who get angry over nonsense and others who really have reasons to be angry. In the second case, you will need to use all or some of the elements I mentioned to calm down.
Emotional intelligence also applies to other emotions besides anger. For now We will remain with this emotion. May God bless your life and give you strength to face the difficulties of everyday life.