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Is a Country of Evangelicals Something Good?
Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart." Psalm 119:2
Research has shown an increasing number of evangelicals in Brazil. This leads us to wonder whether this is a good or a bad thing. After all, not all evangelicals are exactly the same. There are Pentecostal, neo-Pentecostal and traditional evangelicals from different sub-branches. Evangelicals committed to the gospel (although still imperfect), evangelicals in a transition phase from the world to Christ and evangelicals who have lost their values (those called false prophets by the Bible). What unites them all is the belief in Christ as God, the Bible as the word of God and salvation given by faith.
The problem is that not all churches have a strong Bible School that teaches them Christian doctrine. Many know that Jesus is God, but they do not really understand what it means to love one's neighbor, what the Trinity is and how it relates to us, what God's plan of salvation for man, among other pillars of the Christian faith. Any teenager or adult can learn these concepts.
This produces Christians without spiritual discernment and without guidance to make good decisions in life, because they do not have biblical and doctrinal references. They become easy prey for heresies and fads. Thus, a country of evangelicals without spiritual discernment and doctrinal repertoire may not be as good as we think.
If you are a pastor, it is important that you invest in teaching in your church. If you are a Bible School teacher, teach not only biblical stories, but also historical Christian doctrines such as the divinity of Christ, the Trinity, the Last Supper, among others. There are books, magazines and the internet that help a lot. If you are a member of a church, be sure to participate in Bible School.
The increase in evangelicals has a positive point, which is the reduction of prejudice. For a long time, being an evangelical in Brazil was a source of jokes and ridicule. Today, even artists attend churches and the main television channels broadcast worship services and praises to God. However, the quality of these Christians cannot be overlooked.
If you are still very confused about your faith, count on the Ministério Jovens Bíblicos to help you. Here you will learn about Christian doctrine through articles and videos. In addition, of course, there is apologetic content and theological curiosities. Little by little, you will come to understand more about Christian beliefs. May God bless you on your spiritual journey.